You can see the full division scoreboard right below, and reach to the lightning division scoreboard by scrolling down the page or clicking here.

Full Division Scoreboard

Position Team Name Score
1 Unagi 675785
2 RGBTeam 678829
3 Pigimarl 702643
4 manarimo 719161
5 All your lambda are belong to us 723177
6 CowDay 738577
7 tomerun 743471
8 The Cat is Number 1 763106
9 Titleholder 784873
10 pegovka 809837
11 Pheon 811044
12 Frictionless Bananas 822715
13 Closed and Restricted Boltzmann Machine 831400
14 TBD 834671
16 DiamondPrincess 846332
17 chirijako 898321
18 Snakes Monkeys and Two Smoking Lambdas 926970
19 I Albatross 928111
20 negainoido 934965
22 sonna_baka_na 961535
23 sanma 978081
24 NoWar_kt 984198
25 fixstars 998761
26 mendokoro_yoshi 1010087
27 xyz600 1015678
28 Piggyback 1021883
29 Raging Mushrooms 1033878
30 Gon the Fox 1035097
31 tratata__hloya_ygrt__teleport 1087428
32 udfew 1167803
33 hari64 1188328
34 Jumbo Chicken 1189057
35 cashto 1192147
36 Cult of the Bound Variable 1193863
37 Channable and Friends 1243886
38 Olympia 1276277
39 301 1300808
40 Tsukemen_Man 1349587
41 uni 1352117
42 The Blind Hen 1354270
43 code_o_matic 1374048
44 dare ludum 1386069
45 Great Expectations 1389742
46 powder 1405192
47 EyesUpGuardian 1407414
48 DNIWE_ii_a 1445245
49 The Higher Order of Zeuxis 1489320
50 hayatox 1530340
51 Side Effects May Include 1565637
52 KMC 1618240
53 slow neurons 1671733
54 Sunspear 1734225
55 WinterMUTE 1741110
56 LILiK 1776971
57 Sleep is your Superpower 1851880
58 uguu_org 1921332
59 balonit bros 1925987
60 Turing Machinists 1955722
61 Strongly Typed Lambda Stew 1960112
62 Alpha Alpaca 2029863
63 SjoerdVisscher 2034124
64 Applicative 2055418
65 sanityinc 2062130
66 Yorofuwa 2065289
67 Limiting Factor 2086468
68 Dugongidae 2120281
69 goto 11 2203684
70 idkjava 2205413
71 codingteam 2210816
72 taxidriver 2220251
73 Hoda Lotus Blossom 2248318
74 tmd 2267646
75 TUS 2289051
76 okaduki 2391992
77 Free Tacos 2419956
78 Office 14 2447222
79 Henchman 24 2542499
80 Rogue Operations 2573357
81 IKS 2588256
82 R22b 2603288
83 Mostly Harmless 2648560
84 OMGICFPFTW 2652938
85 KoeNNer 2710773
86 Megagate 2739505
87 killswitch 2872392
88 The O 2922522
89 Team Sampou 3069831
90 InforFun 3321946
91 Junkfood 3383763
92 Aronoel 4088565
93 paiv 4414285
94 GoGoGoose 5365036
95 shocr 13445875
96 NashFP 15662447
97 WrongEndians 31385763942
98 camel_case 2130736
99 gogogo1 2217305
100 Circular Import 1623332
101 Eat Less Drink More 548936
102 jabber_ru 696760
103 Task Manager Not Responding 815306
104 nhho 840407
105 Zebra Infused Hamsters 893327
106 yowa 975389
107 Inchy Dave 1086372
108 Sot6 1141019
109 I_almost_missed_icfpc 1261878
110 Fire Hazard 1321545
111 Altair 1655784
112 Geohackers 1663365
113 Slow 1718235
114 Codermal 2921942
115 shinh 3447560
116 representing_monads_and_macros 4134479
117 EliteHackers 7129276
118 knok16 7369879
119 mnuyav 204466699600
120 Power 1382059
121 Byte_Me_Daddy 1176933
122 epriestley 1230951
123 Team Gullu 1791831
124 glua_team 265068
125 iehn 1511321
126 comonad 273577
127 Didnt Mean to use Python 586676
128 Barons of Javasquirt 329405
129 Ozan Akin 624856
130 Dis Functional 103773
131 alperenkeles 589940
132 Uni 142550
133 jpb 261254
134 The Scrolling Stones 8938
135 null 21720
136 APL Hot Takes 34868
137 seiyakyokai 34900
138 Lambda 50881
139 MAD Team 53303
140 Team Test2 101738
141 Test 126420
142 Load of old pollocks 132229
143 yhara 150103
144 ahmeteren 163793
145 Wrong end of the digital brush 165637
146 OhMyCaml 170676
147 kuviman 194616
148 Ozan Akin2 194626
149 JoeBidenTeam 216953
150 Foundation 237319
151 raklo 1858256950

Lightning Division Scoreboard

Position Team Name Score
1 RGBTeam 368893
2 Unagi 398148
3 manarimo 475276
4 All your lambda are belong to us 480918
5 Pigimarl 487393
6 CowDay 519069
7 sanma 539367
8 Titleholder 542777
9 fixstars 564982
10 Eat Less Drink More 597787
11 Gon the Fox 663243
12 pegovka 669829
14 powder 682184
15 Pheon 684961
16 jabber_ru 696760
17 Side Effects May Include 719978
18 DiamondPrincess 735069
19 Channable and Friends 740912
20 I Albatross 751381
22 Cult of the Bound Variable 792906
23 TUS 794353
24 chirijako 800899
25 Jumbo Chicken 824777
26 Olympia 843098
27 negainoido 857850
28 cashto 872107
29 EyesUpGuardian 879044
30 udfew 880015
31 Snakes Monkeys and Two Smoking Lambdas 905141
32 The Blind Hen 916176
33 Limiting Factor 921916
34 idkjava 924403
35 The Cat is Number 1 930911
36 KMC 938278
37 mendokoro_yoshi 969888
38 code_o_matic 969900
39 yowa 975389
40 Alpha Alpaca 1040412
41 301 1053729
42 sonna_baka_na 1054153
43 Tsukemen_Man 1071768
44 Turing Machinists 1082275
45 xyz600 1110219
46 TBD 1121071
47 Raging Mushrooms 1121333
48 Inchy Dave 1131910
49 camel_case 1136398
50 Sot6 1141019
51 okaduki 1174603
52 hayatox 1194389
53 LILiK 1199806
54 uni 1205617
55 NoWar_kt 1228666
56 Sleep is your Superpower 1229969
57 SjoerdVisscher 1252466
58 Frictionless Bananas 1295595
59 Zebra Infused Hamsters 1298022
60 sanityinc 1298255
61 KoeNNer 1308295
62 hari64 1329177
63 Circular Import 1347524
64 tmd 1429325
65 OMGICFPFTW 1439095
66 nhho 1446491
67 Yorofuwa 1450952
68 taxidriver 1459904
69 The O 1463996
70 Office 14 1477010
71 Hoda Lotus Blossom 1491651
72 slow neurons 1508938
73 Great Expectations 1515794
74 codingteam 1526245
75 Henchman 24 1555086
76 DNIWE_ii_a 1617951
77 Geohackers 1663365
78 uguu_org 1704582
79 Free Tacos 1716465
80 Slow 1718235
81 R22b 1824078
82 dare ludum 1833465
83 WinterMUTE 1839034
84 The Higher Order of Zeuxis 1869003
85 Aronoel 1968076
86 Rogue Operations 2860971
87 shinh 3447560
88 Sunspear 3827631
89 representing_monads_and_macros 4134479
90 Junkfood 4134479
91 EliteHackers 7129276
92 shocr 10031614
93 Strongly Typed Lambda Stew 91457116
94 NashFP 122686704574
95 mnuyav 204466699600
96 Piggyback 1567644
97 Team Sampou 948326641
98 Power 1382059
99 IKS 1152829
100 Byte_Me_Daddy 1176933
101 epriestley 1230951
102 Mostly Harmless 232820798326
103 iehn 1511321
104 Team Gullu 1417797
105 Didnt Mean to use Python 586676
106 balonit bros 15734149
107 tratata__hloya_ygrt__teleport 296270
108 goto 11 259016
109 killswitch 316958
110 gogogo1 804797274
111 Closed and Restricted Boltzmann Machine 56080
112 paiv 59136
113 Uni 142550
114 jpb 261254
115 The Scrolling Stones 8938
116 glua_team 22442
117 seiyakyokai 34900
118 MAD Team 53303
119 Codermal 68207
120 Test 126420
121 Load of old pollocks 132229
122 Dis Functional 137644
123 InforFun 138110
124 tomerun 142096
125 I_almost_missed_icfpc 145599
126 yhara 150103
127 WrongEndians 155473
128 ahmeteren 163793
129 Wrong end of the digital brush 165637
130 kuviman 194616
131 Ozan Akin2 194626
132 Foundation 237319
133 Ozan Akin 257906
134 raklo 26657363472